Grande Fratello: Chia esprime la sua opinione sulla ventunesima puntata

Grande Fratello: Chia’s Opinion on the Twenty-First Episode

One thing that amuses me the most about Big Brother is when Alfonso Signorini and the producers blatantly and sometimes irritatingly try to manipulate the dynamics, especially the couple dynamics, to unfold exactly as they have decided. It’s satisfying to see someone dismantle their plans in just three seconds. And that’s exactly what happened last night, much to my delight.

Alfonso Signorini is so infatuated with Beatrice Luzzi that he couldn’t wait to bring someone into the house with whom she had a troubled past, hoping for some drama. He had already hoped for it with Jane Alexander and tried again yesterday with Sara Ricci. And what a coincidence, a beautiful, dark-haired woman with a well-known passion for “much younger guys.” I don’t believe in coincidences.

Unfortunately for the host, Beatrice ruined his little game before it even began. “No guys, the nicest person in the world, Sara Ricci! She’s great! How wonderful, how amazing! Sara is the nicest person in the world. I’ve thought about it sometimes (her possible entrance, editor’s note) because I thought ‘I want to have a laugh,’ because Sara is a legend. Great! Oh my God, how wonderful, thank you! […] I wanted to thank you for this great gift of sending Sara here, it makes me feel a little less alone!”

“Imagine, I gave you this gift hoping that you would fight. Can you believe it?” Alfonso sadly admitted when he realized that, at least for now, there is no drama. Especially since Sara didn’t waste any time before confessing that “I want to argue with men. I am very supportive of women, even if they tell me ‘you have to fight.’ The patriarchy doesn’t sit well with me!”

A promising start indeed. Especially considering that she confidently walked through the red door despite stating just a few days ago that “no, I don’t watch shows like Big Brother and L’Isola dei Famosi. I don’t like them!” Absolute genius. Ricci has all the potential to be the wild card we’ve been waiting for. Especially if she chooses to join the Caterpillar group, which Bea has decided to be a part of from now on, to meet Giuseppe Garibaldi.

And since this year, Alfonso is clearly saying “no” to unnecessary furniture, in addition to Sara and Perla Vatiero last week, Marco Maddaloni was also sent into the house yesterday. That Marco Maddaloni who “doesn’t like to lose, if you put me in a reality show, I want to win.” And indeed, ten years ago, he won Pechino Express and later triumphed over big names like Soleil Sorge and Marina La Rosa on Isola 14. Not to mention that he hadn’t even entered the loft in Cinecittà when, true to his reputation as a strategist, he was already throwing veiled jabs here and there.

Where did Signorini put the popcorn? Because it seems like we might need them in the coming days.

Some other scattered thoughts on the rest of the episode:

  • Who would have thought that Mirko Brunetti, with his overwhelming calmness, would become one of the main protagonists of Big Brother? I still can’t understand how the audience went from sadistically enjoying the breakup between him and Perla on Temptation Island to hoping that they would get back together in the house. The outcome between them is quite predictable, especially when listening to Mirko, who last night corrected his


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