Francesca Tocca e Raimondo Todaro: un’esplosione di passione!

Francesca Tocca and Raimondo Todaro? What crisis? The two are madly in love! The latest photo posted on Instagram by the dancer is truly unequivocal. A fiery awakening. The dancer captured her husband lying naked on the bed while she, in the foreground, covers him with lingerie. In the black and white photo, her face is not visible, as it is covered by the phone, while he looks at her in ecstasy. “Hello, silly” wrote the Amici professional in the caption of the post.

Francesca Tocca and Raimondo Todaro in crisis: a sizzling couple

She is elegant, beautiful, and sensual, and the same can be said about him. In short, a truly sexy couple. Fans who thought that it was all over between them forever, considering the rumors that were circulating, were stunned to see the photo. The couple is highly appreciated, and this can be clearly seen by reading the many messages that followers have left under the post. “Take that, those who said you were in crisis” and also “Beautiful” and then “You are wonderful together”. It seems that the calm has truly returned between the two, as they even leave each other ironic messages under the post, teasing each other sweetly.

Francesca Tocca and Raimondo Todaro today: a love story on the dance floor

The two have been together for over 15 years and they also have a 10-year-old daughter, Jasmine. After a strong crisis that kept them apart for a long time, the two have been a steady couple again since 2021. Since then, the two dancers have often been at the center of gossip, as evidenced by the multitude of rumors that circulated this summer. But it was Raimondo himself, during an appearance on Verissimo, who spoke about their break: “Our love is like a dance… We took a break, but we have known each other since we were children, a whole lifetime together. Now everything is fine. We love each other very much, like all couples, there are ups and downs, but we care for each other.” And the photo posted a few hours ago is further confirmation of this.

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