Home Intrattenimento Sonia Bruganelli: Paolo Bonolis non disponibile per appuntamenti

Sonia Bruganelli: Paolo Bonolis non disponibile per appuntamenti

Sonia Bruganelli: “Want to go out with Paolo Bonolis? Sorry, I don’t have his schedule”

“Could you introduce me to Paolo?” writes a user ironically to Sonia Bruganelli. “I don’t have his little agenda,” she sarcastically replies, implying that she doesn’t deal with the private affairs of the presenter. After the interview on Verissimo, the spotlight and curiosity about their relationship with Bonolis have been reignited.

By Giulia Turco

Sonia Bruganelli responds to provocations about Paolo Bonolis

“But could you introduce me to Paolo!” writes a user ironically under a post by Sonia Bruganelli. “I don’t have his little agenda,” she sarcastically replies, implying that she doesn’t deal with the private affairs of the presenter. “But you could say a good word… I promise you will always be part of our lives,” the provocateur continues via social media. At that point, Bruganelli drops the matter but resumes the back and forth with followers a few comments later. “Where did you leave Paolo sleeping?” someone else writes. “I think it speaks for itself,” the producer silences her.

What is the relationship between Bruganelli and Bonolis after their separation?

“I don’t have a new partner, and he doesn’t have a new partner,” Sonia Bruganelli clarified on Verissimo during her first television interview about their separation. “It seems natural to continue to spend time together, especially when our children are with us.” According to her, their bond is stronger than ever now that they have reclaimed their own spaces. Sonia has only had good words to say about the presenter: “It’s hard to find someone like him, he’s truly a modern man, a free person who has taught me about freedom,” she said. However, she doesn’t hide a hint of jealousy, which is normal after a shared life and family: “I don’t exclude the possibility that if he were to find a beautiful and young woman, I could get very angry, become jealous,” she revealed. “But I don’t think either of us will start a new family, we are both quite old now.”

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